1. Manuscript Preparation

AIJSS accepts two types of research articles for publication.

Research Brief

A research brief – This paper is limited to 20 pages, using 1.5 line spacing with Times New Roman size 12 font.  This should be approximately 5,000-6,000 words. All papers are expected to be prepared in standard APA v.6 format with slight adjeustments to style as required for AIJSS publication.

A research study – This paper is between to 8,000-12,000 words.  It has the same formatting requirements of a research brief and uses 1.5 line spacing with Times New Roman size 12 font.  All papers are expected to be prepared in standard APA v.6 format with slight adjustments to style as required for AIJSS publication. A high standard of English is expected.

See the following documents and templates:

A. Word submission template.

B. APA citation and reference guide.

C.  Title page template.

D. AIJSS Submission Checklist – This also serves as your cover letter.

2. English language requirements

All articles must be written in clear UK or US English. Whichever you choose, it must be consistent throught the document. If English is not your first language, please seek out the help of a professional English editor. This practice is NOT unethical and is recommended by every major publisher in the world (Taylor & Francis, Springer, Elseiver, Wiley, etc.).

3. Why the importance on English?  The following is a paragraph from the Web of Science’s Internet site. Please note that Web of Science, Scopus and SJR are three critical indexing services for journals that are approved for publishing of papers to meet the requirements for obtaining a PhD in Thailand. Here is a link to the full article: http://wokinfo.com/essays/journal-selection-process/


Full Text English

English is the universal language of science. For this reason our focus is on journals that publish full text in English or, at the very least, bibliographic information in English. There are many journals covered in Web of Science Core Collection that publish articles with bibliographic information in English and full text in another language. However, it is clear that the journals most important to the international research community are publishing full text in English. This is especially true in the natural sciences. There are notable exceptions to this rule in the arts & humanities and in social sciences topics. This is discussed further below. Nonetheless, full text English is highly desirable, especially if the journal intends to serve an international community of researchers. In addition, all journals must have cited references in the Roman alphabet.

In Thailand AIJSS can recommend the following for translation from Thai to English along with professional editing:

In Malaysia, the following editors are recommended by the Universiti Putra Malaysia, whose world famous ‘Pertanika’ branded journals recommend the following editors:

“Pertanika emphasizes on the linguistic accuracy of every manuscript published. Thus all authors are required to get their manuscripts edited by professional English language editors.  Author(s) must provide a certificate confirming that their manuscripts have been adequately edited. A proof from a recognised editing service should be submitted together with the cover letter at the time of submitting a manuscript to Pertanika. All costs will be borne by the author(s).”

Please note that other regional journals also require certified proof of professional English editing. Examples inlcude Maejo International Journal of Science and Technology which states on their web site: “A certificate of English editing should be presented with the manuscript. Manuscript with substandard English and style will not be considered.” Additionally, Thailand’s Maejo International Journal of Science and Technology in Chiang Mai states and recommends the following to help authors with their English:

Please also ensure that English and style is properly edited before submission. UK style of spelling should be used. Authors who would like to consult a professional service can visit:
www.editage.com/?ref=referral, www.bioedit.co.uk (bioscience and medical papers), www.scribendi.com, www.letpub.com,www.papersconsulting.com, www.sticklerediting.com,
Cambridge Proofreading (http://proofreading.org/),www.ProofreadingServices.com, Help.Plagtracker, www.ninjaessays.com/editing/, http://bid4papers.com/editing-services.html, www.enago.com, www.medsciediting.com,www.manuscriptedit.com, http://www.proofreadmyfile.com, ProofreadMyDocument, www.24x7editing.com, www.tulyasys.com, www.regentediting.co.uk, www.editnpublish.com, www.sciencedocs.com, www.geediting.com, experteditor.com.au or Boom Essays editing service (http://boomessays.com/writing-services/ additional-services/editing).


AIJSS however wishes to work with and mentor new doctoral students whose English skills are less than perfect.  Every attempt will be made to assist and develop new scholars achieve their goal of academic publishing.